The garden is growing really, really well. Too well, in some cases. Can you have too much bok choi? Apparently so. Sadly, the goats don't like it, which I find weird, but useful in that the deer haven't bothered it at all. I guess I have to eat faster. Something to think about--bok choi, when cooked, forms a nice, not-too-thick gel. It might be a good ingredient for soups. If an experiment comes out all right along those lines, I'll post about it.
Anyway, I noticed something that produced a duh moment for me.
I have areas in my garden where not just the plants, but the weeds are positively huge. It made me realize that the places that have small weeds are under-fertilized. Sooo ... when I put the beds to sleep (heh) in the fall, when I put down my homemade fertilizer and cover things over, I can put extra in the places where the weeds are really pitiful, and less where they're gargantuan.
Not that I'll have weeds, of course. Everything will be perfectly manicured and weeded by then.
But if I did have weeds, I could totally use them as a gauge for how much fertilizer to put down. Aaaand, the beauty part, if I overdo it in the fall, its not going to burn my veggies because I won't have any in the ground at the time. It'll have time to mellow for many months before I plant again. Remember, though, if you add amendments in the fall, if they're super water soluble, they'll just wash away into the soil too deep for the plants to reach them in spring, so either protect against rain or just wait until after your seedlings sprout in the spring. Don't fertilize when you plant seeds. It messes them up when they germinate. If you must, scratch the fertilizer in at least six inches, preferably farther, away from your seed line.
Speaking of fertilizer, I have a scary bucket of chicken poo waiting by. I haven't decided what to do with it. It's super hot, and only partially composted. I'm tempted to spread it between the smallest of my zucchini plants and maybe make tea with some of it to water with around the fruit trees. Chicken poo is awesome fertilizer, but you have to be careful. It burns, baby, burns! There's really no way to measure how hot it is, so I'll have to guess. In cases like that, it's good to remember that you can always add, but you can't take away the damage from too much once it's done. It's not like too much salt in your soup, where you can stick in a couple of celery stalks or add potatoes to fix it.
Soup again. I must be craving it. I think I'll make soup for dinner tonight.
Watch out for the weather. Stay hydrated in hot spots, and look out for lightning. We had an incredible lightning storm just east of us. It sounded like fireworks show off in the distance, and for a while I thought that's exactly what it was, a post-4rth show, until I looked out the window. Often there were multiple flashes at once. We don't usually get that kind of weather around here. I was very, very glad I could appreciate it at a distance instead of being directly under it. It must have been terrifying. Here's the weather report for it. Photos here. BTW, it takes three to four hours for me to drive from my home to the worst-hit areas of the storm, but I saw the closest edge of it quite well from our deck.
Warmth in Winter
[image: Christmas light display near my mother's house.] Christmas light
display near my mother's house.
It's dark and raining, and the wind is soundin...
1 month ago
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