Friday, June 13, 2008

The Visitors

Yesterday I had a rare (to me) visitor, a bird I've only heard of but I've never seen in person.  The fun thing is that it could actually be one of two birds.

I thought it was a bluebird, but after scoping out the bird books I realized the bird had too bright a belly and probably wasn't hefty enough to be a bluebird.  Not to say it isn't, but it seems more likely that it's a lazuli bunting!  

We also had a chipmunk visiting.  I've seen absolutely no squirrels or squirrel-like creatures on our land.  I've seen them as close as the neighbor's place--small squirrels with long, tufted ears--but no chipmunks.  Wizard caught him and brought him home.  I scooted Wizard inside after he dropped the chipmunk at my feet and the chipmunk ran off.  He came back later to forage under the bird feeder.  I don't know how many times the cats will bring him home, but hopefully they'll release him unharmed each time.  He's a cutie, even though I suspect that it's him that ate my lilies.

I have to go back to work tomorrow.  Just in time.  I spent the (sunny! yay!) day out sicklebar mowing paths through the sea of grass and making a new tomato bed.  I have more to do out there, now that I have mulch in the back of the pickup.  Boy, am I pooped!  I'll need the recovery time before I get back to slaving in the garden.  Yes, it's begun, the long days of getting up at dawn and working until dusk, but I am writing.  I worked on a novel and a new short story this morning.  

I love summer.

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