Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I finished reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki today.  Brilliant.  I'd recommend reading The Richest Man in Babylon first, though, if you haven't already or it's been a while.  RD,PD isn't an advanced financial advice book.  It is entry level, but if if someone isn't practicing some of the advice or at least intrigued by the principles in TRMiB then RD,PD is probably going to be advice given too soon.  It focuses on areas that are weak in TRMiB--investing, developing assets, and identifying liabilities.  TRMiB addresses these areas but isn't specific enough--the message is muddled a bit by the setting and it's usually the already financially savvy folks that pick up on it and find it clear.
Best wake up call:  That my house is a liability (seriously!) not an asset (actually, technically about 10% of my house, specifically my office, is an asset) and that I'm developing my assets too slowly.  I didn't even know I was developing assets (except the obvious--we have a small portfolio) until I read this book.  Financial intelligence.  I need to do more reading and get some.  Instead of arguing with me about the house, read the book and then we can discuss.
Information: Very High
Writing quality: Average
My quality ratings:  Struggling, Emerging, Average, High, Very High
For non-fiction I'm separating writing from info.  They don't always go hand in hand.

Still reading:
A Gardening Mystery by Mary Rosenblum (if I can find where I put it down, grr!)
Rating in progress: High
A War for All Oceans by Roy Adkins and Lesley Adkins
Rating in progress:  Information: High, Writing quality: High
Trial of Flowers by Jay Lake
Rating in progress: High

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